Prisma’s distinct option does not use SQL SELECT DISTINCT

Andrius Ordojan
2 min readAug 15, 2023


I’m very new to the world of JavaScript as well as web development in general. Recently, I started a web application project and decided to use Prisma as the ORM piece. This decision was largely influenced by the positive feedback I gathered from HackerNews. My thinking was that Prisma would enable me to execute simple queries quickly, facilitate easy migrations, and allow me to focus on the application itself.

However, I encountered an issue. I had a table with approximately 320,000 rows, and I intentionally didn’t normalize a specific field. I assumed that since the data wouldn’t grow, I could perform a distinct query to retrieve a list of categories instead of making a new table for it. It wouldn’t have been a problem if I were writing the query manually. However, Prisma selects the entire table and performs an in-memory search for distinct values.

Picture of documentation. Says Prisma uses select and does distict processing in memory.

The performance was significantly slower. As I was reviewing query times to enhance page load speed, I was bewildered by the potential issue with my distinct query. After some investigation, I stumbled upon the documented behavior. While I understand the rationale behind it, I find it counterintuitive that despite having such a powerful ORM tool, I still need to resort to writing raw SQL to achieve reasonable performance for a “select distinct” query.

Moreover, one of the primary reasons for choosing Prisma was to avoid delving into SQL completely. Yet, here I was, delving into an abstraction of SQL. I’m puzzled as to why performing a “select distinct” operation is considered an edge-case scenario. I’m still using it and because I’m so new to the ecosystem, I try to maintain an open mind. Nevertheless, due to this issue and a few other Prisma unsupported Postgres features that I use, a significant portion of my queries now consist of raw SQL. This situation seems to counteract the purpose of adopting this added complexity, doesn’t it?



Andrius Ordojan

Aiming to write about diverse range of topics. Everything from Kubernetes and web development to combat sports, home labs, and even the world of fungiculture.