SSH public Key distribution to remote servers using bash script

Andrius Ordojan
Nov 15, 2023


The provided Bash script is designed to facilitate the addition of multiple SSH public keys to the authorized_keys file on a remote server. The PUBLIC_KEYS array contains individual strings, each representing a unique public key. The script establishes a connection to the remote server, iterates through the array, and appends each public key to the designated authorized_keys file. The user can customize the REMOTE_SERVER variable to specify the SSH username and IP address of the target server.


# Remote server details

# Public keys to be added
"more keys..."

# Loop through each public key and append it to the authorized_keys file on the remote server
for key in "${PUBLIC_KEYS[@]}"; do

# Display a message indicating success
echo "Public keys have been added to $REMOTE_SERVER:$AUTHORIZED_KEYS_FILE"



Andrius Ordojan

Aiming to write about diverse range of topics. Everything from Kubernetes and web development to combat sports, home labs, and even the world of fungiculture.